The Take ACTION Work BOOK, digital download

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Imagine if we worked out our minds the way we work out our bodies.
This Take Action Work Book (digital download) will work out your mind through goal setting, relationships, daily practices and overall mindset.
This workbook is all about you, the life you long to live, tools to help you achieve that and action you can begin taking now, if you are willing.
Are you ready?
In this compilation of action plans, from my own personal experiences, rather than research based, you will find the tools that have proved well for me to build the life of your dreams. It only seems right for me to share them with you.To get the most of of this book you will have to engage each plan by thoroughly investigating where you are by “writing it all down” so you can analyze your findings and direct desirable changes.
There is no better way to live than to keep investing in yourself. Keep asking yourself the questions, find your why, and take action. It all starts within. No better place or time to start than where you are and now! After all, learning about yourself and what you really want out of life can be fun. Make good choices. EVERY DAY. Hold yourself to higher standards. EVERY DAY. Lead with kindness and do more than is expected, EVERY DAY.Always be kind in the way you speak to yourself. Lead your life in peak mental and physical shape presenting the best version of yourself, EVERY DAY.Make your life be the one you want to live by being proactive and making things happen rather than reacting to the things around you, EVERY DAY.
The world needs us in top shape – the better shape we are in the more effective we can be in our own lives and in the lives of others. We are here to experience, learn about ourselves, which also helps us learn about each other, and share this lovely life in harmony together. May this book serve as your guide in all of life, through both smooth and tough times. Use it as a jump start, switch up, or a reset as needed!